may i present to u d roots..
JR - "ROOT-of-all-ROOTs"..master ni namo! until now libog pa jd ni cya unsa jd na "flower"..ateh ako nlng lagi!
MAIA - "ROOT-of-all-DUDINGs" bloom na ni cya and still blooming pa jd! practicing her capacities!
IPAY- "ROOT-of-all-RISKs"..saint ni cya sa mga risk-takers! our mentor sa inom! yaw na palag!
LOVELY - "ROOT-of-all-TANTRUMs"... libog ni cya! ky basta tantrums ma feel jd dayon tanang klase na sakit sa lawas!
CORA- "ROOT-of-all-GALOREs"...galore ma inlove,mostorya,mokatawa and all! todo na ni ateh!
KIM- "ROOT-of-all- LIVE-IN THINGS"..ayy "living things diay"! basta sabot namo ato! peace kim!
BING- "ROOT-of-all-BUTTERFLIEs"... basta huwat lng mi when jd cya mo gawas sa iya cocoon! unleashing her other side!
DEANNE- "ROOT-of-all-MARKERs".. kani jd cya! bar or streetside or sakyanan or bukid or city or dagat...gitatakan na ani niya! iba ka!
KAI-"ROOT-of-all-SENIORS"...She started everything and the model of all root coz if she was a fruit she is already ripe, If ungo ni siya then Mangtas na! if you want to determine how ROOT you are then she is the perfect tape measure!!!
The Kerogas! (from friendster comments hihi)
Posted by ROOT of ALL things at 3:49 PM 0 comments
22 Guaranteed Ways To Destroy A Relationship © Robert W. Birch, Ph.D.
Relationships are often hard to maintain, even when two people profess undying love for each other. A major problem in a relationship is that one or both partners continue to make the same errors but then cannot understand why the relationship is in trouble. It is almost as though they are determined to do things their way, even at the risk of damaging a good thing.
In my clinical practice, I have discovered at least 22 errors in thinking and communicating that people make, which if repeated, have the potential of destroying a relationship. Which of the following errors are you making?
1) Rigidly maintain that you are always right, even when you do not have all the facts!
2) Never apologize, even when you are proven wrong beyond a shadow of a doubt!
3) Be relentless in rubbing it in when you are proven right!
4) Dogmatically maintain that you know your partner's motives better than he or she does!
5) Assume that your partner should understand your needs and should respond immediately without being asked!
6) Totally ignore your partner's priorities and insist on your own!
7) Operate on the assumption that your partner's sexual need cycle is identical to yours!
8) Add deep psychological meaning to your partner's sexual disinterest, and take it very personally!
9) Do not ever admit hurt, but go immediately to the expression of anger!
10) Identify your partner's character flaws and family secrets and use them to make a point when logic fails!
11) Use guilt to manipulate, to get your own way or to punish!
12) Become proficient at catching your partner being bad, but do not ever comment if you catch him or her being good!
13) Cut no slack, yield no ground and push your argument until your partner walks out the door... then follow the coward!
14) Do not let go of the past, rehashing your version of it as often as possible!
15) Cling very very tightly, claiming that you will surly die if you are ignored!
16) If you are not a clinger, then stay emotionally/physically distant, and show no signs that you really care for your partner!
17) Make promises, but never keep them!
18) Be factious so you partner never knows when you are being serious!
19) Always make excuses for your bad habits!
20) Insist that what you have to say is always more important that what your partner is saying, so interrupt!
21) Pretend that you understand what you partner has said, even if you have no idea of the point that was being made!
22) Act as though you do none of the above and it is your partner who must make all the changes!
Posted by ROOT of ALL things at 3:24 PM 0 comments
you can't SCARE us!!! we TEACH
don't challenge the OBVIOUS
thinkers are the doers
we don't give a DAMN
if tomorrow never comes
don't hate the PLAYER, hate the GAME
life is too short, BRANCH out!
dont populate the world
If you think you can, you can. And if you think you can't, you're right
How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives
Life is just one damned thing after another.
Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.
Dont just drink and drive. You should smoke and fly.
if you cant beat them, change the topic!
We dont just take NO for an answer
We fall in love, we fall out of love. accept it, live with it
if you havent taken the risks, then you havent tried at all.
dont waste our time or well waste yours.
to find a bOyfriEnd is an aRt .to hOld him is a jOB!!!
ALL WoRk and NO PlAy. is totally misSiNg the pOiNt!!!
i live in such a way that those who know me but do not know God will come to know God because they know me
Posted by ROOT of ALL things at 7:08 AM 0 comments